Pop Pop Pop
Monday was a little cold! Rode to work, noodling. Coming home, the night air was frigid, but after ten minutes, I was okay. Good easy day. 38 miles, 132 watts.
Today, I did some big-gear stuff, then cranked out some short Uphill Sprints. I have an old hip injury from baseball. Lifting weights, I’m pretty sure, has aggravated it. Nothing more annoying than two hours on the bike, and then the hip gets tight, then tighter, then painful.
So, I’m starting some medium-intensity big-gear work, way overgeared. Got some nice terrain in my town. My town is in a valley, so everywhere I go is HILLS.
After the strength work, I did Uphill Sprints on a series of short risers, jamming pretty hard for 15-20s. It was a little cold, but I felt good. I didn’t want to ride to work today, fearing the night’s black coldness, so I rode in the morn.
I’m happy with how the winter training is going. One more stiff week, then time to do a series of recovery days…
Tanita: 157.4 lbs.
Ride Time: 1h 22m
Norm Watts: 254
Distance: 25 miles
Avg. Watts: 178
Max Watts: 1216
HR: 144
RPMs: 89
Speed: 17.9 mph
Hope all is well with everyone.