Progression, Albeit Slowly
Well, it’s nice to be riding again. Man, what a layoff can do to you! I am so amped up to be back on the bike, training with sharp regularity. I am enjoying every ride, something I can’t say for the last two years… My mind is right there — did I mention “amped up?” 🙂 But you have to be careful. Because you’re so hungry to ride, you can start going too hard, too soon, and things can get out of control quickly. Remember that you can’t go from zero to 10 or 1 to 10 without taking all the steps, especially if you’re slow-twitch and built like a diesel like me. Build that base and build it strong, and in the end you will be rewarded…
Thank goodness for power meters 🙂
So I’m doing the logical things I should be doing. During my layoff, I lifted weights, aerobically stayed very fit. Well, FIT — “very” fit might be a lie. But now that I’m back on the bike, I see that aerobically I’m not in a terrible place. I’ve done a few longer rides, nothing over 3h, and the power numbers are getting better and HR is right where it should be. My body responds very well to this type of training, and I’ve been able to sprinkle in doses of light Tempo, and I am not gassed, am not struggling, am finishing relatively fresh considering my perceived effort. #1 training tool: your body. LISTEN TO IT.
Anaerobically, though, I am a mess. And I should be. I deserve it! 🙂 Such is life. I can Tempo on the TT bike pretty well, but once those watts go over a certain number, I start to crumble quite quickly. VERY quickly! So I’m avoiding that for awhile… I dunno for how long, but for at least another 3-4 weeks. I am still doing PowerClimb sessions 1-2 times per week. Trying to get 2-3 light PowerCranking rides, getting back into the swing of those things. With similar HR and perceived exertion (I can use the PowerTap on my PowerCranks bike, but it’s hard to unweight the bike and such while PowerCranking, rear wheel takes a lot of stress, so I’m saving that wheel), the rides are getting longer, the cadence higher, the speeds faster.
KISS. Keep it simple, stupid. Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity. Know your body, know your goals, and map out a plan. And then stick to it. Those who change horses mid-stream too often don’t get anywhere. Worse, they drown. I was thinking the other day, “Kenny, you should just do those early TTs to get points. You’ll get throttled but still show up and get those points.”
#1 I’ll get throttled, and this’ll make me want to start hammering.
#2 I’ll get the taste of competition and will want to start hammering again. I know in the end I will end up accelerating things a bit too quickly. So no, I’m not going to do the early TTs just for the sake of gobbling up tiny Cup points.
You make a plan. You stick to it. It might be hard to do, excruciatingly hard to do at times, but in the end you will be rewarded.
I read a piece on Armstrong the other day, just after California. He was saying he was happy with his form, how he hasn’t been doing any intervals, just riding his bike. Man, this guy sure knows how to play things down, but c’mon! This man is the most closely monitored athlete in the world, has a fleet of stressing coaches prescribing and analyzing every watt of every pedal stroke. I thought his quote was funny. “Just riding my bike.” I should try that if I want the Giro-Tour double, too! 🙂 I’ll just ride easy for a year, then start doing intervals for a month. I should be ready to rip…
I also have some things to mention about diet but will save for next time…
I am finishing up a good article on dressing for the winter (a little late, but this cold weather just will not leave so I’ve decided to drum something up) and will post in the appropriate place when I finish.
Thanks for reading.