Jesse attended Richard Stockton College from 2001-2005. During his college years, he was a mediocre cross country and track athlete. After taking several years off after graduating, his neighbor convinced him to give a local triathlon a try. In June 2009, Jesse competed in a local sprint triathlon and was immediately hooked. In 2010, he upgraded his bike and completed his first 70.3!
Jesse’s 2011 season was a breakout year for him. He began placing at the top of his age group, and was working with a training program. Needless to say, 2012 was a fantastic season for him.
Jesse had a great race at Eagleman in June and qualified for Kona. Later that season, he also completed his first Ironman, just outside his hometown in NYC. Ironman NYC was a great day for him, as he was able to put together a great race, and surprised himself with the results. He went on to compete at Kona just a few short weeks after Ironman NYC.
In the triathlon off season, Jesse participates in cycling and cylocross races. He’s also trying to get in some mountain biking during the winter months. When he’s not training, he enjoys snowmobiling, fishing, gardening, and other outdoor activities.
Height: 6’1”
December Weight: “170-180 lbs.”
Race Weight: “160-170 lbs.”
Birthdate: “August 8, 1983.”
Childhood Heroes: “Kirk Muller.”
Hobbies and Interests: “Surfing, Fishing, Snowmobiling.”
Favorite Movies: “Ghost Busters.”
Musical Tastes: “Punk Rock.”
Favorite TV Shows: “South Park, Battlestar Galatica.”
Favorite Meal: “Rack of Lamb.”
Favorite Breakfast Cereal: “Rice Krispies.”
Favorite Pre-Race Meal: “Powerbar, Redbull.”
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: “Vanilla with rainbow sprinkles.”
First Car: “1986 Volvo 240 D Wagon. Thing was a tank, it was my Mom’s old car that she let me drive.”
First Job: “I worked the parts counter at a motorcycle shop.”
Favorite Vacation Spot: “My parents have a cabin in upstate NY that I love to spend time at.”
Pre-Race Feeling: “Usually feel overwhelmed and a sense of “why am I here.”
Greatest Racing Moment: “Ironman Hawaii.”
Worst Injury from Racing: “Crashed on the final turn on a Crit on the Tuesday before my wedding, luckily I had no injuries visible in a tux, but the plane ride to Cabo and Mexican Honeymoon were much less comfortable.”
Closest Racing Friends: “Glenn Hartrick, Andrew Shore, Brian Norling, Ken Lundgren.”
Funniest Racer: “Ryan Clayton.”
Favorite Race: “Vice Versa.”
Embarrassing Racing Memory: “In 2011 I competed in a local sprint triathlon and ran out of transition the wrong way.”
Toughest Competitors: “Brian Norling, Will Reagan.”
Favorite Athletes to Watch: “Zach Koop.”
Qualities You Most Admire in People: “Genuinely nice people.”