Sean Pasieka | My Favorite Race
I wasn’t even going to race the state championship race (2013) at Cooper River CX….but I figured this would be my last realistic shot a getting a jersey. After finishing 4th at Whirlybird CX the day before I was feeling good. I took the 2h+ …read more >
I’m sure I could go on and on about my favorite rides and races. Something perhaps to-do with how the Tour de Fish is one of my all-time favorite venues – though it has only recently seen its second birthday. Waxing poetically about the incessant …read more >
Michael Borda | My Favorite Race
I don’t have a race that I’ve won multiple times or even once for that matter and I don’t have a race at which I’ve always performed really well. The bottom line is that I don’t have what people would probably think makes a race …read more >
Kristine Contento-Angell | My Favorite Race
I headed up to Wayway extra early to get a run on Sitting Bear – a trail with an extended rock garden that I had trouble clearing at the pre-ride earlier in the week. Since I had used my training bike for the pre-ride, I …read more >
John Fiadjoe | My Favorite Race
It was getting to the end of my first mtb season and I was reaching peak form, It was the last race of the season and I wanted to do well. My training was right, my taper was right and my mind was right… I …read more >
Jesse O’Donnell | My Favorite Race
After 2 days of a seemingly packed schedule with meetings, packet pickup, bike repairs, bus and ferry rides, I was able to settle into bed around 5:30 on Friday evening. I was very fortunate that Andrew Shore let Colleen and I use his apartment the night …read more >
James Pearl | My Favorite Race
First time I have taken off work since we were married, so waking up Friday morning on my own was kind of strange. Got in a little dink ride and loaded up the rig to head out west to Coburn. I asked Mitch if he …read more >
Greg Pizarek | My Favorite Race
My favorite race used to be the Mercer Cup – it was always muddy and met the full definition of Pure Sweet Hell. Of the current races NIttany has always been a favorite – it’s the kind of course I can ride well and hold …read more >
Shawn Erickson | My Favorite Race
56 miles, 4 Laps, 4 Climbs…Ending with a climb. The first two climbs were way too easy and we were neutralized (stopped for 5 minutes!) at Sebago Beach at the end of Lap 2. Lap 3 was to be different. Me and 2 other guys …read more >
I mentioned to my wife that I was thinking about trying out this thing called cyclocross on one Wednesday evening in November 2009. She responded something like “um…okay?” which I read as tacit approval to immediately buy a cheap used ‘cross bike on ebay, drive …read more >
Lauren Dagostino | My Favorite Race
Two days before Sommerville I was in Chattanooga TN for Time Trial Nationals. This was my big event of early summer, my sole focus. I never missed a workout, I missed happy hours, I thought about everything I put in my mouth for months. My …read more >
My Favorite Race | Brian Carbone
When I think about my favorite race, I have a lot of options to choose from. Whether it’s CX, MTB, or road racing, I’ve had some pretty good results. But if I were to try and write a full race report about any one of …read more >
My Favorite Race | Laura Slavin
How do you pick a favorite race? I’ve learned so much from every race I’ve done, felt so much joy and growth from each experience, it seems impossible to zero in on just one to spotlight. Narrowing it down to the 2015 season, my first …read more >
Bill Christman | My Favorite Race
It was 2007 and my aunt just passed away from cancer and I thought I would do something to honor her from me. I hadn’t raced a bike in years; maybe 1995 was the last time. I wanted to undertake something daunting, a real challenge …read more >
Amanda Pearl | My Favorite Race
Day one was a learning experience. “How did you finish,” Coach Lundgren asks as I’m slumped over on the ground. “Ninth out of fifty-five,” I say. He tells me this is great for the first day, we don’t need to be on the podium yet, …read more >
Allison Oishi | My Favorite Race
Heading into the race, I was beyond nervous. More nervous than for any other race, ever. The day before, I couldn’t really talk about it without feeling the urge to poop. The morning of, I couldn’t really stomach any food, and definitely had the urge …read more >
H2H’s Wawayanda MTB Race | 4 Wins, Improvements Everywhere
In the Pro/Open, Kristine Contento-Angell had a clean, smart start, sitting in on the long, fast prologue and then accelerating into the wooded singletrack. She was on Jane Pearson’s wheel as they roared into the raw tech of Waway. Jane was able to ride her …read more >
Athletes sit in the garage, tuning the race engine all winter, and now finally the opportunity is here to flex the muscles at a real MTB race — the season starts NOW. The Stewart race course is considered the region’s singlespeed racing mecca with …read more >