Ken ran track and cross country in high school and played soccer in college. In 2001, Ken decided to do the Seagull century on the Eastern Shore of Maryland but during training for this event, his hybrid bike’s rear wheel locked up. While waiting for the repairs to be made he bought a used a Litespeed Natchez so as not to lose any more valuable training days. This was the start of several years as a recreational road rider with the Potomac Pedalers club. He discovered the Tuesday/Thursday evening Laytonsville ride. This hammerfest inspired him. A typical entry in his ride journal was: “Got dropped at mile 6.7 $%%!@#$ I have to do better next week”.
He started racing four years ago and showed some promise by finishing in 5th place twice in the Greenbelt, Maryland training series in the beginner’s C class race. After two full years of racing without any success as a cat 4 racer, Ken hired Kenneth Lundgren as his coach at the start of the 2011 race season. With an improved diet and some ‘challenging’ interval work, he did a sub 59 minute 40K time trail and had some top third of the pack finishes in some road races.
Ken has raised his two biological daughters Nicole and Sara and the children of his former spouse Gabe and Leila. He even helped out for a couple of years with his fiancée’s youngest son Kevin who is now in college.
Height: 5’10”
December Weight: “168 lbs.”
First Job: “Washing dishes at Gasoline Ally in Berkeley Heights, NJ to pay for my new skis. This job ended up paying for my fist semester at college.”
Favorite Vacation Spot: “Kauai, Hawaii.”
Pre-Race Feeling: “Nervous; can’t wait to start.”
Early Racing Memory: “My first race at Greenbelt. The accelerations out of the corner were a shock to my system. I had a chance to win but I started my sprint too soon and 4 people shot past me.”
Funny Racing Memory: “In the Morgantown road race this year, a teenager got sent to the back for violating the yellow line rule. He told his friends, as he went to the back, “I got regulated”.”
Greatest Racing Moment: “9th place at Church Creek.”
Most Painful Moment In Life: “Losing my 20 year old daughter Nicole to suicide.”
Worst Injury from Racing: “Not so bad. At the Greenbelt Training Series race, two guys got tangled up on a mild up hill. The guy in front of me went down. I was going to the left to avoid the wreck and his bike shot out in front of me and down I went. I got a large bruise on my left hip and some minor road rash. My Cosmic Carbon front wheel got a ding and the tire was ruined. I usually am able to get around the carnage. I don’t enjoy the very loud sound that bikes make when slamming into the pavement.”
Closest Racing Friends: “Adan Segura, Nick Parlato, Vladimir Sarkosi, Billy Ramos, Evan Janis, Tim Baldwin, NessimMezrahi , Bryan Jones, Sebastian Buyers.”
Favorite Race: “Turkey Hill Classic, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.”
Embarrassing Racing Memory: “Showing up for the Tour of Washington County stage race and getting turned away because I skipped the prologue.”
Toughest Competitors: “Everyone who is better than me.”
Favorite Athletes to Watch: “Cadel Evans, Fabian Cancellara.”
Qualities You Most Admire in People: “Integrity.”
What You Love Most About Riding Your Bicycle: “The speed, the freedom, the harmony with the bike and the environment. Going out and killing myself with a group of really good riders.”